GET ACQUAINTED – What questions would you like to ask other participants?


We have been considering how the entire Bible relates to Christ.  Revelation builds progressively and accumulates images as previews to prepare mankind for the coming of Christ and the Gospel.

What insights did you bring to share?



·        The phrase Kingdom of God (Mk.1:14-15) expresses God's relationship to His people.  In the Old Testament, there are different expressions of the kingdom (its nature, people, place, rule) that serve to prefigure and preview the reality which is in Christ expressed in the Gospel.  Jesus' first coming marked the beginning of the end of the old age (kingdom of the world) because He embodies the new (kingdom of God).  The church is the expression in the world (age that is passing away) of the kingdom of God (age to come) during the overlap period of the two ages.  Christians live in both ages, in the overlap paradox of "the already but not yet," "saved" yet "awaiting salvation" at the close of the old age (Rev.11:15) when all things will be summed up in Christ at His second coming (Eph.1:9-10; Col.1:19-20).

Tracing the Kingdom of God Through the Bible

1.    What was the purpose of Christ's coming and redeeming the world?



2.    What indication do we have in the early chapters of Genesis that God's original intention was to dwell with man?  (Gen.1:26-27; 3:8a)


·        The first time the idea of establishing a kingdom is explicitly stated is in Gen.17:7-8, where God changes Abram's name to Abraham and says, "I will establish My be God to you and to your offspring after you…and I will be their God".  Generations later, a famine in the land of Canaan forced the descendants of Abraham to relocate to Egypt where they were eventually enslaved by pharaoh.

3.    What reasons did God give for delivering Israel from Egypt?

(Ex.6:2-8; 29:45-46)


·        Remember that because of sin, man was cast out of God's holy presence (Gen.3:23-24); His dwelling with people necessitated first dealing with sin.  God used the delivery of Israel from slavery in Egypt as a picture of our deliverance from slavery to sin.

4.    Where did God say he would meet with Israel?  (Ex.25:8-9; 29:42-44a)


·        When the tabernacle was completed, it was filled with the glory of the LORD signifying God's presence among them (Ex.40).  The tabernacle was a symbol of God's dwelling with man.  "I will set My dwelling place among you...I will walk among you and be your God, and you shall be My people" (Lev.26:11-12).  Years later, after they had conquered the land and settled in it, Solomon built a permanent structure and "the glory of the LORD filled the house" (2 Chron.7:1-5).

·        But Israel turned away from God.  Ezekiel saw a vision of the glory of God departing from the temple because of their continuing idolatry (Ez.10-11).  God was not their God.  In despair he cried, "Ah, Lord GOD, will you make a full [complete] end of the remnant of Israel?" (11:13).  But God promised to once again take them as His people and be their God.  There would be a New Covenant, in which God would provide a new heart and put a new spirit within, one which would be able to respond with love and obedience (11:17-20).

1.    Ezekiel also saw a renewed city of God.  What was it called?  (Ez.48:35)


·        As prophesied, Jerusalem and the temple were destroyed, and the people were taken to live in exile.  [Read Messiah - Son of Man/Son of God after completing this lesson.]  They eventually returned and rebuilt a temple, but God did not return to dwell there in His Shekinah glory.

2.    What was the prophecy made by the post-exilic prophet Zechariah?  (Zech.2:10-13)



·        This brings us to Jesus.  Read Jn.1:1-2, 14.  Thus begins the story of how God dealt with the sin that separated [cut off] man from God in the first place.  In Mt.1:21-23, an angel of the Lord announced, "all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying, 'Behold the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel which is translated 'God with us'." [Isa.7:14].

3.    On the eve of Christ's death, He instituted the New Covenant.  What did He promise the disciples at this last supper?  (Jn.14:16-18)


4.    As a result, what do all believers (Jew and Gentile) become?

1 Cor.3:16

1 Pt.2:5, 9-10


5.                In Rev.21:1-3, 9b-11a, 22-23, the apostle John describes eternity in terms of a New _________ and ______ to which the holy city, the new ___________ comes.  What does the angel say he will show John?


What does he show him?

What’s missing?

6.          What is the goal of the Gospel?  1 Cor.15:20-28



1 Pt.3:18




·                    This study represents the crux of the Scriptures.  It is like laying the keel of a ship or boat.  In earlier times, laying down the keel referred to setting the central or main timber making up the backbone of a vessel.  The keel was the principal structural member running lengthwise along the center line from bow to stern.  The ribs and rest of the ship’s framework were tied to the keel to support the hull and represent the story of the Bible.  This story is the subject of many of the recommended materials.


Telling the story of the Bible means relating the historical account to the Gospel.  This is most effectively accomplished by chronologically going through the historical narrative pointing out the significance of what is revealed by the story.  It is not just a matter of reviewing the historical facts and describing the events as they occur.  The lessons involving the unseen realities of God and His ways, as well as Man and his condition, are key to preparing hearts to receive the Gospel.  Spiritual truths answer questions: What is the underlying truth? Why are things the way they are? Why does it have to be this way? and What is the remedy?

PROLOGUE  [sample] A prologue is an introduction that sets the stage for the story.

In the beginning, God created all things.  He made mankind in His own image and gave them dominion over the earth.  God pronounced everything He made to be good.  On the 7th day, after He placed the man and woman in the garden, God rested.  When Adam sinned, God began to work again, not creating, but redeeming (Jn.5:15-17).

THE STORY  [sample]

1.    God prophesied that the seed of the woman would slay the serpent and be wounded in the process (Gen.3:15).  How does this pertain to the Gospel? (1 Jn.3:8; Heb.2:14-15)

2.    God drove Adam & Eve from the garden and cut off their access to the tree of life because they were no longer welcome in His presence.  Will mankind never again have access to life or enjoy the presence of God?  Is there no way back?  (1 Pt.3:18)


Read Chap.6 of RPCD – chapters

The good news is that the Kingdom of God has come in the person of Jesus Christ.

Read Chap.7 of RPCD – chapters, THE PEOPLE OF GOD ARE ONE
Old and New Testament saints constitute a single united body of the redeemed.