for Young People and Adults

This series incorporates TRAINING [showing, demonstrating, and helping discipline - my part.  Your part is practicing, exercising, working through] as well as TEACHING [instructing, directing your thinking (mine); thinking about it (yours)].  There are all kinds of Bible "lessons" that teach good things, but there is not so much that connects the individual lessons.  Too often we only see isolated stories, bits and pieces of the whole.  This series is designed to help you discover the focus of all the Scriptures - to reveal the key that unlocks the whole Bible.  It is a bridge between Bible knowledge and understanding (the integration of the parts) which gets at the meaning of biblical events, persons, symbols, and teachings.

PROCEDURES [your exercise program] & INSTRUCTIONS [rules]

Complete study sheets prior to meetings as daily homework assignments [a couple passages each day].  Do not read ahead or check your responses with the instructor's set.  Complete each exercise before moving on to the next.  Follow the directions and answer the questions that are asked.  Write down your questions, observations and thoughts.  Prepare to explain and support your answers, and bring relevant comments and questions to the discussion.  Absentees are expected to keep up their lessons and go over missed meetings with another participant before the next session.  Ask questions and request lessons and handouts to print out at Key to the Bible[subject line],


1. Write a short statement describing your impression of what the Old Testament is about.



We will be looking at and practicing getting at 2 fundamental aspects of OBJECTIVE TRUTH: (1) what the Bible says;    (2) what it means by what it says.

·        Employ the following METHOD OF STUDY [your training workout] where appropriate: write the passage or a portion of it, then observe and comment - focus and think through what you are reading by interacting with the passage, dialoging with it: reorganize the wording; identify [label] what is being stated; describe; categorize [apdx.A]; summarize; draw conclusions; question; follow leads; state implications; note what it doesn’t say.        My interaction and comments are [bracketed].

EXAMPLE: Interact with Mk.1:14-15.  What is the context (see apdx.A)?    [Jesus continues the message of John the Baptist [continuity of the message] after John's arrest] "Jesus came into Galilee preaching the Gospel of the kingdom of God, saying, [1] 'The time is fulfilled' [What time?  What is fulfilled?    planned events finally occur]    Cross Reference Study: (Rom.5:6, "at the right time"; Gal.4:4-5, "when the fullness of time had come"; Eph.1:7-10, "as a plan for the fullness of time")    [What does it mean to be fulfilled?]
[2] 'and the kingdom of God is at hand' [explanation - what "the time is fulfilled" means];
[3] 'repent and believe in the Gospel' [appropriate response]."


2.  Briefly describe the situation (context) where indicated, then interact with the passages and summarize what they say about the theme of the Old Testament.

Lk.24:44-47 [Context: ________________________________________



1 Cor.15:3-4


Acts 2:25-31 [Context: ________________________________________




Acts 10:42-43 [Context: _______________________________________




Acts 26:22-23 [Context: _______________________________________




Why couldn't the disciples understand the Scriptures (Lk.24:25)?    Why do I have so much trouble?




Acts 26:6 [Context: ___________________________________________






How or in what manner was the truth of the Gospel foretold in the OT?







3. Now, having thought through the above passages, what is the Old Testament about?  Jn.5:39-40


Since Christ is also the subject of the New Testament, we must conclude that He is the subject of the Bible.  Why is He so central?  To answer this question, we must ask several others.

4. What are the two great works for which God is praised (2 Cor.4:3-6)?  ______________ and ______________





[also Ps.148:1-6]





[also Ps.77:11-15]



The significance of the Sabbath (7th day) is depicted in the 10 Commandments as a reminder of the completion of ______ ___________ __________
(Ex.20:8-11).  Later, there is a shift in emphasis.  The Sabbath is spoken of in connection with God's _____________ ___ Israel from slavery in Egypt (Dt.5:12-15).  The Sabbath therefore depicts the great themes of ___________ and _____________.


5. What happened after God created all things?  Gen.3


6. The issue then becomes one of recovery.  How can sinners dwell with God in His perfection of holiness?  Acts 26:18


7. So, what is the pervading theme of the Bible?  Heb.2:14-15








What struck you in this lesson?  [opportunity to share your discoveries and insights]



Look up the following passages.       Theme: Christ as fulfillment

Mt. 5:17-18




Acts 13:23-33




1 Pt.1:10-12

Theme: Christ as creator/redeemer




APDX A, TAXONOMY – Organizing by Contexts, Categories, and Vocabulary

Our minds are ordered by categories.  Both clearly defined classifications and their labels are necessary for understanding and communication.  Classification is the identification of groups based upon common features.  Each class or category functions as a descriptive label representing a particular grouping.  Theological terms are categories that carry the concepts.  They encapsulate the doctrines in a vocabulary so we may contemplate and communicate them.  So, it is necessary to correctly identify the subject matter, whether justification or sanctification for example, as we consider a passage.  Context has to do with the structure within which the logical flow of thought and progression of story or argument takes place - what situation is being described or subject talked about.